How Long Do Mums Last? Tips for Extending Their Lifespan

Discover how long mums last in your garden and as cut flowers. Learn tips for extending their lifespan and ensuring vibrant blooms year after year.

Mums, or chrysanthemums, are popular flowers known for their vibrant colors and long-lasting blooms, especially during the fall season. Whether you’re growing them in your garden or displaying them in a vase, you may wonder, how long do mums last? The answer depends on several factors, including the growing conditions, the variety of mum, and how well they are cared for. In this comprehensive guide, we’ll cover everything you need to know about the lifespan of mums and provide tips for extending their beauty for as long as possible.

How Long Do Mums Last in the Garden?


In the garden, mums are typically perennial plants, meaning they can last for multiple years if properly cared for. However, the flowering period and the overall lifespan of the plant will depend on the climate, the variety of mum, and the care it receives.

1. Flowering Period of Mums

Mums are generally fall-blooming plants, so their flowers tend to last from late summer to early fall. However, the bloom period can vary by variety. Some mums may bloom for 4 to 6 weeks, while others can last for up to two months. Factors such as temperature, watering, and sunlight affect how long the flowers will stay vibrant.

  • Early-blooming varieties may start flowering in late summer, while late-blooming mums bloom closer to the end of fall, often lasting until frost.
  • The cold weather and frost usually end the blooming period for mums. Frost can damage the petals and shorten the bloom time. However, after the flowers fade, the plant itself can survive for the next growing season, provided it is properly cared for.

2. Overwintering Mums

Mums are hardy in many climates, especially the hardy perennial varieties. To ensure your mums last and return each year, it’s important to overwinter them properly:

  • Cut back the foliage after the first frost.
  • Mulch the base of the plants to protect the roots from freezing temperatures.
  • If you’re growing mums in areas with harsh winters, consider bringing them inside or covering them with a frost blanket to protect them during the colder months.

How Long Do Mums Last in a Vase?

Mums are a popular choice for cut flowers and can last for several days to weeks if cared for properly. However, the vase life of cut mums can be affected by a variety of factors, including the variety, water quality, and placement.

1. Typical Vase Life of Mums

On average, cut mums can last between 7 to 14 days in a vase, but with proper care, you can extend their lifespan beyond two weeks. Some varieties of mums, such as spider mums or football mums, are known for their long-lasting blooms in arrangements.

2. Tips for Extending the Vase Life of Mums

If you want to keep your cut mums fresh for as long as possible, follow these simple tips:

  • Cut the Stems at an Angle: When you first bring your mums indoors, cut the stems about 1 to 2 inches at a sharp angle using a clean, sharp knife or scissors. This increases the surface area for water absorption and prevents the stems from sitting flat at the bottom of the vase, blocking water intake.

  • Use Clean Water: Ensure the vase is clean, as bacteria can shorten the lifespan of the flowers. Fill the vase with room-temperature water and add a packet of flower food or make your own solution with sugar, bleach, and water to nourish the flowers.

  • Remove Dead Leaves: Trim any leaves or flowers that fall below the waterline to prevent bacteria buildup in the water. This helps the remaining flowers stay healthy longer.

  • Change the Water Regularly: Every couple of days, empty the vase, clean it, and refill it with fresh water. This prevents bacterial growth and ensures the mums are hydrated.

  • Keep Mums in a Cool Spot: Avoid placing the vase in direct sunlight, as this can cause the flowers to wilt faster. Keep the arrangement in a cool area, away from heat sources like radiators, fireplaces, or kitchen appliances.

  • Mist the Flowers: Lightly misting your mums with water will help them stay hydrated and fresh. Just be sure not to over-wet the petals, as this can encourage mold or mildew growth.

How to Extend the Lifespan of Mums in Your Garden

If you want your garden mums to last for years, there are a few best practices you can follow to ensure they thrive and bloom year after year.

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1. Choose the Right Variety

Not all mums are created equal when it comes to longevity. Some varieties are annuals, while others are hardy perennials that will return year after year. To ensure that your mums will last for multiple seasons, make sure to choose hardy perennial mums. Look for varieties such as:

  • Hardy Garden Mums: These mums can tolerate the cold and will return year after year if cared for properly.
  • Florist Mums: These are often sold as annuals and may not survive the winter in colder climates.

Make sure to buy mums that are appropriate for your local climate zone. Most hardy mum varieties are suitable for USDA hardiness zones 5 through 9.

2. Plant Mums in Well-Draining Soil

Mums thrive in well-drained soil that is rich in organic matter. Poor drainage can lead to root rot and other issues that can shorten the lifespan of your mums.

  • Plant mums in raised beds or containers if you live in an area with heavy clay soil that doesn’t drain well.
  • Make sure to amend the soil with compost or organic matter before planting to ensure it’s nutrient-rich and drains well.

3. Watering and Fertilizing Mums

Proper watering is key to a healthy, long-lasting mum plant. Mums like to stay moderately moist but do not tolerate soggy soil.

  • Water mums consistently but avoid overwatering. Check the soil regularly by sticking your finger about an inch deep into the soil. Water only if the soil feels dry.
  • Fertilize mums with a balanced, all-purpose fertilizer in the early spring, just before new growth begins. Avoid fertilizing late in the season, as this can encourage too much soft growth that will be damaged by frost.

4. Deadheading and Pruning

To encourage prolonged blooming, deadhead the flowers regularly. Removing spent blooms helps the plant direct energy into producing new buds.

  • Deadhead spent flowers by cutting the stems back just above the first set of healthy leaves.
  • After the flowering season ends, cut back the foliage and stems to about 4 to 6 inches above the ground to prepare for the next growing season.

5. Protect Mums During Winter

To ensure your mums last year after year, proper winter care is essential:

  • Mulch around the base of your mums to protect the roots from freezing temperatures.
  • If you live in a colder climate, consider covering your mums with burlap or frost fabric during the winter months to protect them from frost.

Conclusion: How Long Do Mums Last?

The lifespan of mums depends on how you care for them and the growing conditions. In the garden, hardy mum varieties can last for several years, coming back each fall with proper care. Cut mums typically last between 7 to 14 days in a vase, though this can be extended with the right treatment.

By following the proper planting, watering, and maintenance tips, you can enjoy your mums’ beauty for longer, whether in your garden or in an indoor arrangement. Whether you’re aiming for perennial blooms in your yard or vibrant cut flowers in your home, the key to getting the most from your mums is understanding their care needs and environment.

By choosing the right variety, giving them the right care, and preparing them for the colder months, you can keep your mums thriving for many seasons to come.

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